Forum Replies Created
Michael Gilkes
Keymaster@alindebian. Thanks for posting your issue. Could you verify which version of Easy Folder Listing Pro you have installed?
The isAdmin() function call is only present in the Easy Folder Listing Pro 3.7.x code. If you have Easy Folder Listing Pro 3.7.x installed, please upgrade to Easy Folder Listing Pro 4.1.x.
Michael Gilkes
Keymaster@peterspie. Thanks for posting. I am not too sure what you mean when you say “use subfolders in the module”. Do you mean to display subfolders in the listing? Or do you mean to specify a subfolder to display? Can you clarify what you are asking?
Michael Gilkes
Keymaster@mvdhome. Ok. I have released version 4.0.3 with the fix to the Module. For your reference, it was not a reference to the Helper that you thought in the administrator backend.
Michael Gilkes
Keymaster@mvdhome. Thanks so much for posting. This case sensitivity issue has been really frustrating for me as a developer. I have tested my code on a number of systems: Mac OS X (locally), Windows 10 Pro (locally), and Linux (hosting company), and did not encounter any prior issue before release. I would never knowingly release my code with errors that show up as soon as you click on Dashboard or use the front-end module.
On top of that, PHP is case-insensitive with regards to namespaces, based on their documentation. Also, PHP developers have known this for years. However, it seems to be related to auto-loading in Joomla. Prior to Joomla 4, this was not an issue.
Anyways, I will have this fixed for you shortly.
Thanks so much to you and others who have been reporting this, and even giving some detail and allowing me to access your backend administration. I really appreciate this, as I am unable to replicate these errors on any of the systems available to me.
What I would appreciate is if persons who encounter this could provide me with a spec detail of their servers so that I can maybe setup a test system to use going forward. Information like your OS details and version/build as well as your PHP versions, Apache (or other web server) details. If I could setup a test system that acts like your environments, then I can catch these errors before releasing my code.
Thanks so much, everyone.
Michael Gilkes
Keymaster@alweisenborn. Thanks so much for posting this error. I just posted version 4.0.2 of Easy Folder Listing Pro, which fixes this. Please update to the latest release. Thanks.
Michael Gilkes
Keymaster@janvankuijk @sorgentegianluca Ok, guys. I solved the issue. It has to do with namespace case sensitivity and auto-loading. Normally, PHP namespaces are case-insensitive (see It seems as though, for some unknown reason, the auto-loading of classes in Joomla 4 for some PHP installations require exact letter case of the namespaced class and the file location. None of my test servers have this issue. So, I can’t diagnose it on my end. I figured it out based on examining the differences between the servers and the errors, etc.
Anyways, I got Jan’s extension up and running. I am going to patch up Version 4.0 to 4.0.1 with this minor fix, and get everyone else up and running. Thanks for the cooperation.
Michael Gilkes
Keymaster@janvankuijk @sorgentegianluca I really appreciate you guys reporting this. It is very strange to me, as I tried to replicate this error on two of my test servers, but no error comes up. I even setup a clean installation of Joomla 4 to test it, and no error shows up for me. I know something is wrong because of your reports, and I am eager to sort it out.
I need you guys to temporarily turn on “Debug System” under the “System” tab in Global Configuration. Then try to go the the Dashboard for Easy Folder Listing Pro again. This should show the error stack trace and provide some more detail.
I was also wondering what version of PHP you are using? I know Jan is on PHP 8. I am in the process of setting up another test server with PHP 8 to see if it is because of that, as my existing servers use PHP 7.4.
Michael Gilkes
Keymaster@janvankuijk. Hi Jan. Can you either post here or email me the screenshot of the error stack? Also, please explain how I can reproduce the error on my end. Thanks.
Michael Gilkes
Keymaster@janvankuijk. Thanks for providing your feedback. I am sorry that you encountered an error. Are you installing on Joomla 4 or 3.10? Please let me know what triggered that error. I will be more than happy to fix it right away.
By the way, I just had to replace the Version 3.6 installation package file, because the wrong file was uploaded to my server last night. It was a deployment mixup in my scripts. Anyways, the correct file is there now. If you installed 3.6, then please re-download and re-install it.
Michael Gilkes
KeymasterHi everyone. I am finished updating and testing Easy Folder Listing Pro to be Joomla 4 compatible. I just released it.
Quick note: I released versions 3.6 and 4.0. Version 4.0 is compatible with Joomla 4 only, and version 3.6 is compatible with version 3.10 or lower. Functionally, they are the same, but I had to separate it like that since there were so man changes to the code to get it working for Joomla 4, it didn’t make sense for me to try to continue to develop it for Joomla 3 branch.
Please install on Joomla 4 and report any problems you face. I think I got everything in my testing, but you never know. Thanks.
Michael Gilkes
Keymaster@Olaf. Thanks for posting.
As with any template, styles can clash. It’s up to the site developer to adjust the css of either the template or the extension to make things display correctly.
I have not released a Joomla 4 compatible version of Easy Folder Listing Pro, so I can’t speak to how the extension works with the casopedia template. If you need support regarding how to adjust the css to work with your template, I can help with that as long as your subscription is active, but I would have to see the site to make any suggestions.
Michael Gilkes
Keymaster@matrix. Thanks for posting. I am literally working on it right now. Testing and fixing errors and bugs.
Michael Gilkes
Keymaster@janvankuijk. Yes, I will post a notification here when it is ready, and I will update the JED and website.
Thanks for your patience.
Michael Gilkes
Keymaster@mibart. Thanks for posting. Version 3.5 is currently not compatible with Joomla 4. I am currently working on it, refactoring the code to be compatible. I can’t give a tentative date, as I have several other projects that I am committed to simultaneously. I hope to get it completed soon.
Michael Gilkes
Keymaster@solmedia. I uploaded the file you sent me to my online demo server:
Does it show properly? I did not change any settings. I just uploaded it. Is there a link or screenshot of how it is showing up on your server?