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  • in reply to: Column width and row depth #1591

    Thanks Michael. I added the CSS you mentioned, but I guess the template CSS overwrote it. I don’t use tables much, if at all, so I just went and adjusted one of the 7px to 0px and that made it look a lot better.

    What about the column widths? How do I adjust them? At least get the sizes the same, even if I can’t reduce the sizes. You’ll see the file size column is different on all 3 instances.

    It would also be nice to be able to specify a fixed width to the table. Or is that in Pro?


    in reply to: Adding extra to path #1122

    A very polite and diplomatic reply Michael. I confess to being the culprit of the “target” fiddling! ;-/

    It’s a problem of knowing just enough to be dangerous. Thanks for the link to the topic showing the right way to do it…. It works a treat now!

    in reply to: Adding extra to path #1120

    Hi Michael

    You can see the “errant” module in action at

    I set the parent at “content” (the sub-folder of images) and the Location as “downloads”. Both of these are correct. Thus far I have made no changes to any of the source code.

    Weird is right!!! 🙂

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