Clarification – clicking on Expand all opens the entire folder structure. The problem is that a single folder cannot be clicked to display the contents of that folder.
I am having this same issue also on a new Joomla 3 site that I just completed (site was Joomla 1.7, then 2.5 prior). The page in question is: I have no parameters specified in the article – just using: {easyfolderlistingprofolder=WebFiles/2012/}
This is the first problem I have had with this product, and I love the Easy Folder Listing Pro plugin. Thanks in advance for your support.
Your module is great, and if I can get it working as desired, it will save considerable time. I have a menu item to view Week 1 files, another to view Week 2 files, and so on. Each week should display a different set of files (all .pdf’s) – each set is in a unique folder.
I’ve installed your module, created an article with the “{loadposition x_list}”. Then, on each menu item I reference the same article, but change the “location within the Parent Folder” under the “Module Assignment for this Menu Item”. However, when I change this on the menu item, it changes the location for every instance of the module.
Am I doing something wrong, or was this module not designed to be used multiple times on a site? Do I need to copy the module for each unique location???
Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide this Joomla newbie.