It worked! I used the extension you suggested and it worked like a charm. I can now put the plugin into the module position on the pages it needs to go on! I can have the pdf forms that belong to each area display properly on the appropriate page!
You're a genius and so nice to help me and take the time to look that up and point me in the right direction. I'm new to Joomla and never thought it was normal for plugins to not work in modules. I was sure I was just doing it all wrong.
I am trying to put {easyfolderlistingpro folder='images/schedules_forms/Aquatics'} into a custom module on specific pages but the plugin won't work. Like neilsg above, I would like multiple pages with different folders. It works if I put the code in an article but not into the custom module. Obviously, I'm missing something. Here is the url: