multiple pages with different download folders…

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    Hi Michael,

    i like the plugin, but it would be even better if it could be implemented like this {easyfolderlistingpro}folder name{/easyfolderlistingpro}  in this way you could use it on more pages with different folders.. 


    i tried this, but no luck.. {easyfolderlistingpro parameter1=’images/downloads/ies′}



    Michael Gilkes

    Hi nielsg,

    Thanks for purchasing and using my plugin. Actually, you can use it on the same or multiple pages with different folders. All you have to do is:

    {easyfolderlistingpro folder='images/stories/somefolder1'}

    {easyfolderlistingpro folder='images/someotherpath'}

    "parameter1" is not a valid parameter keyword. It was just used as a vague example. To get a full list of the parameters you can use, please take a look at the Keyword column of the Parameters table at the bottom of the page:

    Each and any instance of {easyfolderlistingpro …} can override the default setting in the Plugin manager. This makes the plugin very flexible.

    I hope this helps. Let me know how it works out and if you have any questions.


    PS. Also, please remember not to copy and paste paramters into the editor, as it will add html tags around the parameters and make them ineffective. You may have to toggle the editor to make sure the text is exactly as typed.


    Hi Michael,

    I am trying to put {easyfolderlistingpro folder='images/schedules_forms/Aquatics'} into a custom module on specific pages but the plugin won't work. Like neilsg above, I would like multiple pages with different folders. It works if I put the code in an article but not into the custom module. Obviously, I'm missing something. Here is the url:



    Michael Gilkes

    . I did a little research and it seems as though by default since Joomla 1.5, plugins don't work inside of modules. There was a discussion about this issue here:

    However, there are several free modules you can get from JED that allows you to run a plugin inside a module. I don't know what works. But, a quick search on google lead me to this one: and there are others mentioned in the discussion forum link above. Let me know if it works.



    It worked! I used the extension you suggested and it worked like a charm. I can now put the plugin into the module position on the pages it needs to go on! I can have the pdf forms that belong to each area display properly on the appropriate page!

    You're a genius and so nice to help me and take the time to look that up and point me in the right direction. I'm new to Joomla and never thought it was normal for plugins to not work in modules. I was sure I was just doing it all wrong.

    I'm psyched! Thank you so much!

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