I am also getting the same update error messages for both Easy File Uploader and Easy Folder Listing – all my SQL databases are on 5.7.
For the extension Easy File Uploader version 2.9.1 is available, but your current database MySQLi is not supported anymore.
For the extension Easy File Uploader version 2.9.2 is available, but your current database MySQLi is not supported anymore.
For the extension Easy Folder Listing version 2.9 is available, but your current database MySQLi is not supported anymore.
For the extension Easy Folder Listing version 3.0.4 is available, but your current database MySQLi is not supported anymore.
For the extension Easy Folder Listing version 3.1 is available, but your current database MySQLi is not supported anymore.
Before updating ensure that the update is compatible with your Joomla! installation.
You are strongly advised to make a backup of your site’s files and database before you start updating.
This only showed after updating Joomla! from 4.14 to 4.15 yesterday and checking for new updates today.