Michael, I apologise… The issue was not with your module at all. I realised that it was access level assigned to the test users I’d created. ‘Publisher’ access allowed them to edit the article, and now that I know what the problem was, it was so obvious I should have spotted it earlier.
thanks. I’ll look into the file upload size (tomorrow) in the other thread , and just talk about the article editing here.
When the module is enabled, each article then has a little edit icon, which when clicked, opens a edit pane with the text “Submit an Article”, and lots of fields to be filled in. I was hoping to turn off the little edit icon and stick to keeping the functionality only in a module, position right. If I’m still not being clear, I could email a screendump. Of course, it could be something else that I’ve installed that I’m mistakenly assuming is your module. WIll try and rule some things out tomorrow.