SubFolder Listing

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    Can Subfolders be listed in Easy Folder Listing, or is it only available in the PRO version?

    Michael Gilkes

    @owenc. Thanks for posting your question.

    Yes, subfolders are currently only displayed in the pro version.


    Thanks for your response.

    Also, is PHP Version 7 required for BOTH to Pro and non-pro ?

    Michael Gilkes

    @owenc. I am currently testing on PHP 7.4 on my test servers. I basically follow the minimum requirements for installing Joomla. Are you using a PHP version lower than 7?


    Hi Michael,
    This is for a charity organisation and their template is still on V5, So I got it running on a Secure Cloud server. I need a listing system like yours for their newsletter, which now ranges in the thousands, so therefore need the subfolders.
    I was going to pay for the Pro version myself, but it’s going to be quite a while before I can get them upgraded to V7.



    So I just want to be sure, if I download the version now, it is still using V5 PHP, correct?


    OK.. call me stupid… but WHERE is the link to download Easy Folder Listing PRO for Joomla 3.x ??
    I need compatibility for Joomla 3.96 PHP V5.6.

    The download button on the PRO page adds V4.1 to the cart.

    Michael Gilkes

    @owenc. Please have a look at the documentation on my site on how to download files after purchase.

    You will have access to version 3.7 as well as version 4.1.1

    To be honest, I can’t say whether version 3.7 will work on PHP 5.6. I don’t recall if there is any PHP 7 specific feature in my code.


    For the benefit of everyone….
    My site is running on Cloud Linux which is designed to run previous versions of PHP SAFELY.
    This is a PAID Linux because it is kept up to date with security patches.
    I had to do this because it’s going to be a big job to update the site template to a version on PHP 7.x.
    It’s really only the deprecated PHP that causes the problems.

    Michael’s SubFolder Pro is running quite happily on Joomla 3.96 and PHP 5.6

    Regards to all,

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