simply can't make it work

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    Greetings. I am unable to get the easyfolderlising pro plugin to work on my site no matter what I do. It won’t recognize my directory.

    Here is my tag

    {easyfolderlistingpro folder=’images/communications/newsletters’}

    The error returned is: The folder location, ‘images/communications/newsletters’, does not exist. But the folders do exist, and are spelled correctly.

    When I simply put {easyfolderlistingpro} in my article, my entire images folder displays and everything works, even the folders listed above. But if I specify a subfolder, I get the folder doesn’t exist error.

    What am I doing wrong?

    PHP Version: 5.2.17 on Linux

    Michael Gilkes

    @robyblingen. Thanks for posting. Make sure when you are placing this text in an article, that you toggle the editor. This ensures that any miscellaneous characters are not being saved.

    However, if you need assistance, I can help you directly. Create a temporary admin account for me, and send me the login details at my support email: support[at]valorapps[dot]com. I will log in and check it out for you, and then give you a direct response to your situation.

    Also, please post the link to the page with the listing.


    Your tip on the editor worked.

    We had just switched editors from TinyMCE to JCK and that’s when the trouble started. I have turned off “Process HTML Entities” and “Auto Format Source” and it is now working. Here is the link.

    Thanks for your quick response. I apologize that I hadn’t found a related post. I did look before posting, but didn’t see the sticky on editor issues!

    Thanks again.

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