RTL languages and non-latin fonts – Easy Folder Listing Pro issues

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    I purcahsed the plugin and tried the module as well – it’s exactly what I was looking for quite a while!

    My problems are with Hebrew websites :

    1.I want to show the hebrew file-names or (if the file names must be in latin letters) to be able to show hebrew titles. Now Hebrew letters are not recognized by the program (I believe that I should add somewhere UTF-8…)

    2. How can I right-align the tables or the lists? (The Hebrew table shoul be right aligned)

    Thanks in advance


    Michael Gilkes

    @Varda. i am just about to leave the house. So, I can’t give you a detailed solution at the moment. Please understand.

    1. Please look at this post for help of showing hebrew characters: http://support.michaelgilkes.com/topic/eflm-bug-reporting#post-178
    2. Go to the css file, styles.css, and un the elfpro_tables block, check text-align:left; to text-align:right;

    Hope this helps for now. I plan to release a new version soon with the languages issue sorted out. Later. G2G.


    Hello Michael,

    The problem is not urgent, but I would like to solve these problems during the next week.

    1. I’ve changed the css for the plugin, and the alignment issue is solve here. Where do I change the alignment for the module?

    2. I changed the “$rows[$i]” in the helper.php of the module, but nothing happened… what do I have to do with the plugin? I couldn’t find the proper file/



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