PHP cannot detect mime

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Support Home Page Forums Joomla Software Easy File Uploader Module PHP cannot detect mime

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    I am trying the easy File uploader with PHP 5.6.14

    When I try to upload I get this error:

    ERROR: The uploaded file type is not permitted.

    MIME detected by PHP:

    MIME detected by Browser: application/zip

    So it seems that my browser is able to detect it but PHP is not.

    I have also confirmed that php_fileinfo.dll is present in the php/ext folder.

    Permitted filetypes:











    I tried to upload different filetypes but always the same error…

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you!

    Michael Gilkes

    @Dovogja. Please provide either a screenshot or copy/paste of the diagnostic information (it is located at the bottom) in the Module Manager page for the extension.



    Thank you for your response.

    I figured it out: in php.ini I had to include


    Now it works like a charm 🙂

    Sorry for the trouble, have a nice day

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