Is there a limit on the number of files?

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Support Home Page Forums Joomla Software Advanced Folder Listing Component Is there a limit on the number of files?

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    I am just checking if there is a limit on the number of files that we can publish. Currently we have over 700 files in our listing, and there is some strange behavior with files sometimes showing up, and sometimes not.

    To be clear, there are number of files in the file listing which are not being shown on the website.

    Many thanks,


    Michael Gilkes

    @jamesh. Please refer to the FAQ.


    Hi Michael thanks for pointing me to the FAQ – but I am getting some quite strange behavior with some files randomly not displaying.

    For example if you go to the following link – and you navigate down the subfolders – 2_Population_and_Demography – 1_Census – 2006 Census – 2006 Tables – Population Tables, you will only see 1 file there.

    When in fact there are 34 files that have been synched.

    Please if you have any idea what could be causing this then I would be grateful to hear about it. The entire listing holds around 340 PDFs and Excels.

    Otherwise I will work on making my listings smaller and see if that resolves it.

    Many thanks,


    Michael Gilkes

    @jamesh. Thanks for posting. I am going to investigate this, and get back to you… hopefully by the end of today or tomorrow. Feel free to email me if you don’t see a response from me by tomorrow.

    Michael Gilkes

    @jamesh. Update: I was able to isolate the problem and fix it. I have released a new version of Advanced Folder Listing. Please go to the site and download version 1.5.6.


    Excellent thanks Michael, I just downloaded it, and will let you know how I get on.

    Many thanks,



    So I have tried to install this version on my website (after uninstalling the previous version) – and when I do so, the plugin works well. But when I try to view the component administration – I get a ‘website cannot display page’ error.

    Any ideas why this could be happening? After installing version 1.6, this is the screenshot in the extensions manager:

    When I install v 1.0 this works fine.



    Michael Gilkes

    @jamesh. I really do not understand what you have stated in your last post. The only version you should install is the latest version. You did not need to uninstall the previous one.

    What version of PHP are you using? You need PHP 5.3 in order to use the component.

    You should never use older versions of any software. If you were using version 1.5.5 previously, upgrading to 1.5.6 won’t provide any problems for you.

    In addition, there is documentation on how to use the Companion plugin. The companion plugin is an optional feature that allows you to add a listing to an existing article.


    OK, all I know is that I was (wrongly) working with v.1.0 previously. And now when I install 1.5.6 – I get a blank page on the administrator section of the Advanced Listing.

    Apologies for not being clear. This is most likely an issue on my end.




    Just to confirm this is a PHP versioning issue.

    Many thanks again,


    Michael Gilkes

    @jamesh. Thanks for updating this. Just so that you know, the reason why PHP version is important is that in versions 1.5+ of the component, I extensively use dynamic object instantiation, where you reference a class using a variable. This was introduced in PHP 5.3.0. So, that is why version 1.0 worked and version 1.5 doesn’t work on PHP 5.2.x or lower. I use this PHP feature to accommodate Joomla 2.5 and 3+.

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