Idea for a new Joomla! project

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    Michael, I like the way you do things. Attention to detail and friendly, accurate support; indeed a rare combination.

    I’ve been searching for a way to do what’s described here:

    I think you’re the guy to to it and do it right.

    Any thoughts?

    Michael Gilkes

    @sscanlan. Thanks for your comments. I appreciate your vote of confidence in me. That idea sounds very interesting. I actually may explore it as soon as as finish the component that I am working on.


    Michael, you are very welcome and may I say I’m thrilled you’re considering my suggestion!

    As I mentioned, I’ve been searching (ad nauseum) for a solution and came across something that might be pertinent to the task ahead:



    Michael, I have a couple of updates from the author of that post I linked to in my last post. I hope these bits of info help!

    I ended up using the google docs API v3 with oAuth for the organization so that I could request the list of documents and then show it in my webpage. So, in short I was not able to get the iframe working. Also, I mostly hacked together the code that would show the list of google docs and so I’d suggest reading over the api v3 documentation rather than me providing you with an example. The key really is using the latest (v3) example as v1 and v2, which has a lot of existing documentation and examples out are fairly outdated and funky.

    …and as a follow-up to my thanks and request for that code, he answered:

    Haha, no I bastardized their API by making direct CURL requests and processing the resulting data myself, if you’re going to spend time working on something it shouldn’t be my code. Also it has the auth stuff hard coded in

    docs list api v3

    gdata downloads:

    python client (has some working examples you can use almost immediately)

    oauth playground:

    good luck!

    So we’re WAY WAY outta my league now… over to you, Michael.



    Hi Michael, just thought I’d check-in and reassure you that this is a project worthy of your time!


    Hi again Michael… just a gentle nudge! Wondering whether or not you’re still warm to the idea of taking on this project…



    Michael Gilkes

    @sscanlan. I don’t mind the gentle nudge at all. The only thing that I am unclear about is what features are you hoping for it to have. You want to use the Google Docs API to provide access to your files in Google Docs, and to provide a listing on your website for viewing only? downloading? editing? What are your (and others) needs?


    The most succinct way I can put it is as follows: Instead of pointing to a folder somewhere (as I do now in EFL) I’d like to point to a Google Docs folder… think Easy Folder Listing for Google Docs.

    I’d be happy to add more detail if you’d like…



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