How to display custom defined "Choose a file…" message NOT justified text?

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Support Home Page Forums Joomla Software Easy File Uploader Module How to display custom defined "Choose a file…" message NOT justified text?

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    For some reason, my “please choose a file to upload” message is being justified and stretched across the module position, rather than displaying left-aligned?

    Please can you advise me where I can fix this?

    Kind Regards,


    Michael Gilkes

    @Morrolan. Thanks for posting. Could you email me a link so I can see the page that you are referring to? I don’t understand what is going on from your description, but if I can see it, I may be able to assist you. Also, please let me know which browser you are viewing the page with.

    Michael Gilkes

    @Morrolan. Thanks for providing the login information. I had a look at the site. Basically, it is a CSS issue. You can address it in several ways. Apparently the “text-align” property for the html label is defaulted to “justify” instead of “left“. You can inspect the CSS by right clicking on the text and selecting “Inspect Element”. It is similar to looking at javascript errors, except that you are looking at the DOM tree for the page and the related CSS.

    Anyways, to fix it, you have two options. You can add a block in your template’s CSS file similar to:

    Or, you could edit the default.php file in modules/mod_easyfileuploader/tmpl and go to line 19, and change “<label for” to “<label style=”text-align:left;” for

    There are your choices. Let me know how it works out.

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