Folder lisiting display problem

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    I have noticed that expanding and collapising animation of subdirectory is differenet in Chrome and IE9.



    You can see on the Chrome screen that there is too much space between subdirectories and it becomes bigger if I expand and collapse that directory more times.

    Michael Gilkes

    @aignashev. Thanks for posting.

    This is a known issue. It is stated clearly on the product page (look in the ‘Known Issues’ section): Easy Folder Listing Pro

    This is uniquely tied to the Javascript and Mootools. It seems that the webkit based browsers (Chrome and Safari) add spaces between the rows every time you hide and show a row. It shows perfectly in Firefox, Opera, and IE9.


    Is it possible to disable the animation or something that makes it works propertly with Chrome?

    Michael Gilkes

    @aignashev. Thanks for asking. To be honest, I don’t know. This is just something that happens as a result of how Mootools does transitions. it is actually an issue with Mootools’ reveal/dissolve Fx functions. I had a similar problem with jQuery. The only difference with jQuery is that the problem was seen in different browsers.

    This is why I list it as a known issue. It is something that I have little to no control over. Someone could argue that I could customize the Mootools code to get it to work. However, that may have undesirable side effects or conflicts to other code that uses the reveal/dissolve Fx functions. I prefer to stick with the standard code.

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