Filter not working on on multiple words

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    The filter works fine on single search words, but I want to use two or more words to narrow down my search. This will not work in the current version.

    Is there something in the js or php files I can change to make the filter do a search for more than one word. What I am looking for is AND search.

    Best regards,

    Mathias Olsson

    Michael Gilkes

    @mathiaso. Thanks for posting. Actually, the filter works for any number of words. To more accurately describe what the filter does, it filters based on an exact phrase.

    You are free to edit the eflpFunctions.js file, but you’ll be editing it “at your own risk”. My comments in the file should make it easy to understand. All the best.



    Thank you for responding. Nice to hear that it actually should work. However, when I tried entering multiple words in the filter I get no hits when exceeding one word.

    I also looked at your demo page to see if there was any files with more than one word, but they were all separated with underscore so I was not able to test the function on your demo page.

    Before I modify the .js file, is there anything that could be misconfigured or not working?

    Thank you!

    Mathias Olsson

    Michael Gilkes

    @mathiaso. Thanks for responding. As I explained, the javascript filter works by filtering an exact phrase. I renamed some of the files at the demo site to have spaces instead of underscores. I have confirmed that it works as expected.

    If you are still experiencing a problem with your site, I invite you to please post the link to your site’s listing page so that I can see it in action. The listing filters an exact word or phrase.

    Hope this helps.



    Sorry, I now see my problem. I have underscores in my filenames, just as you have in some of yours. Then it will see the words as separate words. Is there any way around this? I have 10 000+ files and if I could avoid renaming them I would be very glad.

    Thanks for your help!


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