One request – for EasyFolderListing (not Pro):
It would be GREAT if I could pass the “Location within the Parent Folder” as a parameter when calling the module.
{module [Location within the Parent Folder]}
@sjuro54. Thanks for requesting a feature. However, Easy Folder Listing is a module, not a content plugin. Content plugins work by shortcodes in the article body, where you can specify parameters like you would want. Modules on the other hand were designed to be placed in preset positions on the page. This is why you can have multiple instances of a module in the Module Manager, but only one instance of a plugin in the Plugin Manager.
Webmasters can sometimes get confused because of the loadmodule/loadposition plugin, which allows administrators to place a module in the body of an article just like a normal content plugin.
Easy Folder Listing Pro is a component with a plugin and a module that allows the administrator to display the listing, whether in the article or in a page position.
So, the technical answer is ‘No’. I can’t make a module work like a plugin.