Duplicate extensions

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    I am using 3.0.1 with Joomla 3.9.1 and it doesn’t appear to be handling the extensions properly. It will display the file correctly (eg. File.pdf) but the link will have it duplicated (eg. File.pdf.pdf). This behavior is with show extensions on or off. This is with a fresh install as well as an upgrade from 2.9. Reverting to 2.9 works.


    I have the same problem since upgrading to folder listing 3.0.1 and Joomla 3.9.1. with the see extensions turned on there is a ‘.pdf’ added to the file name. example – actual file name is CUSTDTL.PDF in the folder listing table it is showing CUSTDTL.PDF.PDF and when set as a link it downloads an html file ‘CUSTDTL.PDF.PDF.html’ not the pdf file.

    Michael Gilkes

    @tfry. @claytonc. Thanks for posting that error. I was able to isolate the issue and fix it. I will post a new maintenance release within the hour. Just a bit more testing to do.

    Michael Gilkes

    Ok. I released version 3.0.2, which fixes the duplicate extension issue with the links. Please install it and give it a try. I apologize for the inconvenience, and I appreciate the report.


    Thanks Michael for the quick fix. Seems to be working fine now (just having to quickly add .DS_Store to all old modules)


    That was a fast turn around! Thank you. I have Updated to 3.0.2 and everything seems to function as expected.
    I appreciate your time and knowledge.

    Michael Gilkes

    Awesome. Glad to hear it is working now. If anything else pops up, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

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