catch upload success in PHP script for further action

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    I wrote a script to check file format, size, etc and upload to my server. Then to first rename file and move using PHP move_uploaded_file() command. Need to allow a Joomla user to upload a file from their computer, then save it using their userID.pdf in a specific directory, so I can later allow users to see a list of all users who have uploded files and view their uploaded files.

    Was getting error from move_uploaded_file() and file did not show up in the /tmp/ directory.

    So then I found your component.

    But how do I capture the “successful file upload” event trigger so I can rename the file and also set a time/datestamp field in the database?

    Is it possible to specify a URL to handle this after the “Upload File” form button is clicked?

    Kindly advise best way to proceed.


    Michael Gilkes

    @jeo. Thanks for posting. Seems like you want to make a very custom solution for your site. If you want, you can just edit the helper.php file to do what you want it to do. I believe that most, if not all, of my code is self explanatory. You should be able to follow it.

    You can also make a custom template file in the tmpl folder. Just copy and paste the default.php file and rename it, then edit it to add a specific url to the uploaded file.

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