I am currently re-writing my non commercial website (www.kirkheaton.info) for Joomla 4 and need to replace the module I currently use Simple File Lister. The site has different articles with download pages specific to each and wonder if your module can do this?
@RichardXWH. Thanks for your question. Yes, the module can be used in multiple articles with different upload folders. Just create a module instance for each article as needed.
Thanks Michael. I am just getting started with Joomla 4 and now having difficulty in displaying the module in an article as the page just shows {loadposition x_list} on the page and not a listing of the images easyfl folder which I have set up in the module. Have followed the instructions but not sure what I have missed.
Michael, I think I have now found the problem as it seems I should have used {module title=”Files”} in the article and not {loadposition x_list}
@RichardXWH. There are different ways to use the “Content – Load Modules” plugin that is builtin to Joomla 4. One way is to specify a position. So, you have to create a fictitious position in the module, and then say {loadposition my_fake_position}. Another way is to use the module ID, and type {loadmoduleid 232}, where 232 would be the id for an Easy Folder Listing module instance. Another way is to specify the module name, with the title and style as optional arguments: {loadmodule mod_easyfolderlisting, “My Title”, my_style}
I don’t know anything about {module title=”Files”} relating to displaying modules.
This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Michael Gilkes.