AFL doesn't show my subfolders

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  • #776

    Dear Michael,

    I have got a problem with the subfolders. I select the option: Show subfolder : Yes. But it doesn’t show me any of the subfolders. Do you have an idea why this happened?

    Michael Gilkes

    @Dolphin. Thanks for posting your question. There can be a number of reasons why you may not be seeing subfolders. The primary reason may be that you did not map the subfolder field to the mappings the the listing your are trying to show. Another could be that your folder destination doesn’t contain any subfolders. Another could be that you have not re-synced the files in the subfolders for the listing. Another could be that you have subfolders with no files in them.

    The most likely situation is that the subfolder field is not mapped to your listing. Check the mappings and see if you see it or not. You may post a screenshot for assistance, or I can assist you directly with a temp admin login. However, I believe it has to do with the mapping.


    I created a temp admin login for you, because I can’t get it with the mapping. It’s about this side:

    You will find the admin-login here:


    Login-Name: ********

    Password: *******

    [Edited by admin]


    Thank you so much for helping me!

    Michael Gilkes

    @Dolphin. You have 3 listings. Please let me know which listing you want me to investigate.


    it’s the “B2B Retail”-Listing

    Michael Gilkes

    @Dolphin. Where is the listing displayed? It is via a menu item? If so, which one? Or is it via an article? If so, please let me know the article name and id.


    You will find the Listing here:

    Maybe you have to login yourself with your password and login-name to see the extensive download area here:

    Michael Gilkes

    @Dolphin. I just checked everything. It works as expected. The subfolder column is present. This is how the paginated table works. Maybe you prefer to have a normal table, where you will see the subfolders as list you can click. I change shane it for you for you to review. Let me know if that is ok.


    Yes. That was my problem. That you don’t have a subfolder listing to click. Like a folder structure. Maybe now you know what I meant. I’m sorry for confusing you. Do you changed something? I can’t see it.


    Now I see it! Thank you so much! How did you do that?

    Michael Gilkes

    @Dolphin. Ok. First, I changed the menu type to a “Single Table Listing” instead of the “Single Paginated Table Listing”. Second, I changed 2 settings in the listing details. I set “Collapse Subfolders” to Yes, then “Show Collapse/Expand” to Yes. After I did that I realized that you had a lot of files listed which made the initial collapse of all rows to take a little time, so I set that “Collapse Subfolders” to ‘No’. You can determine what setting you want it to be.

    Michael Gilkes

    @Dolphin. It seems to be displaying now.


    Hello, I hope to still see this thread. I have the same problem, they do not show subfolders and in the configuration of the module is not found the option of assigning the field as it mentions @michaelgilkes. Could you help me?

    Michael Gilkes

    @andreszam24. What product are you referring to? AFL is not a module. Please explain.

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