I have installed the Easy Folder Listing Module in Joomla 1.6 and have succesfully created an article with the {loadposition x_list}. In the module, the parent folder is set to “Documents”. Everything is working great and I see all the files in “Documents”. Your documentation is great and I have enjoyed previewing the module.
I would like to create Article 1 which would show all files in “Documents/Folder1” and Article 2 which would show all files in “Documents/Folder2”. I want to use the user access levels to separate content. I do not need to see sub-directories, but I wanted to know if parameters can be used in the {loadposition} which would direct the program to a different folder than the one defined in the module.
@ttoppen. Thanks for using my module. The short answer to your question is, “No, you can’t use parameters in the {loadposition}”. The long answer is that you can indeed have multiple listings and each listing can be used in one or more articles. All you have to do is go to the Module Manager and add a new Easy Folder Listing module instance, and then configure it to your liking. So, you can add as many module instances as you like, actually. This is how Joomla was designed.
You can also set the user access level for each instance of the module. So, it works really well. Try it out, and let me know how it works out. If you have any more questions, I am happy to answer them to the best of my ability.