Re: Permission errors when downloading a file.

Home \ forums/reply \ Re: Permission errors when downloading a file.
Michael Gilkes

@simonw. Thanks for posting. From what you explain, it seems that there is a settings issue with your .htaccess file that blocks access to the download.php file that the plugin uses. You may have to alter the .htaccess at the root of your joomla installation. However, this depends on how the .htaccess was set. Some Joomla installations have this setup built in. However, I am just speculating based on what you explain, and my past experience with similar issues.

In reference to listing files for specific users, you don’t need to have multiple articles for each folder. I have setup a built-in feature that allows you to use a single instance of the plugin that points to a folder location with folders of usernames. So, when that user logs in, they will only see the files in their folder. You can enable this feature from the Plug-ins Manager.