Re: Order by date format d-m-Y

Home \ forums/reply \ Re: Order by date format d-m-Y

Hi all, I’ll respond to myself in order to help if someone have de same problem I had.

I’ve edited the /joomla/plugins/content/easyfolderlistingpro.php file, only the way it shows the date. This way, it still orders by Y-m-d but it shows d-m-Y.

In line 787 I replaced

$html .= $rows[$i];


$pieces = explode(“-“, $rows[$i]);

$day = explode(” “, $pieces[2]);

$html .= $day[0].”-“.$pieces[1].”-“.$pieces[0].” “.$day[1];

So now it shows Day-Month-Year Hour:Minute:Second

Thank you all ^^