Re: Conflict with JCE Mediabox

Home \ forums/reply \ Re: Conflict with JCE Mediabox

Hi Michael,

I have set up the links in a custom HTML module.

I use the JCE Editor and there is an option within that to add a jcepopup class to the link.

Here is the code:

<a class="jcepopup noicon" title="What is VideoBadge?" type="iframe" href="" rel="title[What Is VideoBadge?::An overview of what VideoBadge is and how it works.]" target="_blank"><img onmouseover="this.src='images/Edesix/Edesix_Overview_r.jpg';" onmouseout="this.src='images/Edesix/Edesix_Overview_n.jpg';" src="images/Edesix/Edesix_Overview_n.jpg" alt="Edesix Overview r" width="215" height="151" /></a>

