Re: ascending and descending order in Easy Folder Listing Pro

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Hello Michael

I appreciate your answer. In the joomla code is ok . But in effect, by copying from the Show / Hide the code i forgot to remove <span> . Sorry. I use the JCE Editor that is good with the Toggle Editor like you said and displays the following

{easyfolderlistingpro method=’table’|extensions=’1’|folder=’images/foros/’|easing=’linear’|preview=’none’|sortcolumn=’date’|ratio=’4′<span><span></span></span>|sortdirection=’DES’ }

Then repeat the same question how I can make ascendenetemente appears the PFS inside a directory, I want that the PDFS within a directory most recent appear above and below the oldest . I ordered by date in ascending in pluggin settings and the code inside the article but nothing. It can be done ?

The principal to me is how to solve the problem. The coded is ok. Now is good posted. But not working.

Thank you

pd . in effect Michael would like also order the names of the directories which have not been ,but my most pressing is now sort files by date , most recent up.

I hope you can help me please

Thank you
