Hi Mike sorry i found the read me file and them went to original webpage which is easier to read but i still don’t understand..
to use this module as content in an article, first ensure than the loadmodule plugin (Content – Load Module) is Enabled.
Second, give an arbitrary Position to the Easy Folder Listing module, such as ‘x_list’, and configure the parameters.
Thirdly, in the article, type ‘{loadposition x_list}’. Please ensure that the Menu Assignment is set to ‘All’ or to the specific article that it is to be displayed in. To control which types of users have access to this module, set the Access Level in the module.
where is this stuff located at?? i cant ever find loadmodule plugin.. i went to module manager and the mod_easyfolderlist is there and enabled so what i did is went to media manager in the article folder i made a sub-folder called vendorfiles uploaded my 4 PDF files and then went to module manager in the position i only see the default not (x_list) dont know how to create that? then to my article manager and clicked on the vendor and in the body of the article i copied and pasted ‘{loadposition x_list}’ with and with out brackets and noting..
i know you think i am crazy but as you said i am NEW. i am sorry to bug you with what most think to be simple task.