Use of mod_custom

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    I try to use EasyFolderListingPro in a mod_custom module, for right access reasons, and it seems that the EFLP module don’t load.

    Is it normal or have I do somenthing wrong ?

    Thanks in advance,


    Michael Gilkes

    @dpared. Thanks for posting. I am really curious to know… why you are even using EFLP plugin in a module? What do you think it does not do by itself, which makes you think you need to place it in a module? Please explain this to me. Thanks.


    I have several articles in an extranet with 1 to 5 listings in each with different right access to them, and I can’t create one article for each list with different access.

    By example, in an article “Pictures” I have a list “Low Def” that all groups can access, and an other list “High Def” that only people of the Export group can access.

    But maybe there is a parameter of EFLP which can solve this ?

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