First off, thank you for putting out the free easy file uploader for joomla. I was not having much luck doing what I wanted to do.
Anyway, I made a couple of real minor modifications to allow one file input field to be used for multiple selections and to eliminate the need to loop needlessly through unused inputs.
I wanted to let you know with hopes maybe they would be of use for any future versions.
The class change was purely aesthetics. I also changed the submit button for the same reason.
<button class=”btn btn-info” type=”submit”><?php echo $buttonText ?></button>
<!– <input class=”btn btn-primary” type=”submit” name=”submit” value=<?php echo ‘”‘.$buttonText.'”‘; ?> />^M –>
The one other change I made was to allow make folders sub folders on the article.
Pretty sure this only works where URL Rewriting is in use…
if (isset($_SERVER[‘PATH_INFO’])) {
$path.= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.end($pathsplit);
// $path.= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$pathsplit;
It goes right before you would check if the usernames are set to true for using in the the path.
I’m viewing that it doesn’t auto create the subdirectories as a security feature so no changes to address that….