Multilingual support for Filename/Size/Date text

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    Before I bought EasyFolderList Pro Plugin, I remember being able to dublicate the EasyFolderList module. This way I could change the tables’s title text for “filename/size/date” in helper.php, so I had both a module displaying English titles and (in my case) Danish titles, eg.: “Filnavn”, “Størrelse” and “Dato”.

    However, now that I’ve bought the Pro version it’s nolonger a module but a plugin. How do I make the text in my tables for “filename” etc. show in the respective, different languages on my multilingual site?

    Best regards,


    Michael Gilkes

    @Sinuce. Thanks for your question. You can easily customize the plugin by using parameters. A complete list of parameters are available on my website:

    More specifically, if you want to customize the column text, you can either do it in the plugin manager, or do it specifically for each instance in your article. For example:

    {easyfolderlistingpro folder=’somefolder/somewhere’|filetext=’Filnavn’|sizetext=’Størrelse’|datetext=’Dato’}

    Hope this helps.


    @michaelgilkes. Of course! Brilliant!

    I didn’t understand how to actually use the parameters until now.

    Thank you.

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