Hi I have been playing around with the Easy File Uploader and I have almost got it to do exactly what I need but have the following question.
I am planning to use this on my site for users and on a number of pages I need to have the option to display the file upload box, so for example on one page I might have 4 of the upload boxes all going to a separate upload file (which I have done that’s working perfect) however if you upload only using the first box then you get error messages on the remaining blank ones… how can I stop this?
any help would be great as well as a step by step guide to how you do this.
@trucks79. Hi. Thanks for posting. I am not sure I exactly follow what you are doing and what you intend to do. Could you show me a screenshot explaining what is happening and what you want to do differently? You can also follow up via email to support[at]valorapps[dot]com, if you don’t want to expose your details on the forum.