Installed and not working

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    I was able to get Advanced Folder Listing 1.0.4 to install onto Joomla 3.1 after modifying my upload size in the php.ini file. Now when I go to components / Advanced Listing and click on it I get an error message about the component not found. The exact message is:

    An error has occurred

    404 Component not found

    If I go to global configuration I see Advanced Folder Listing there and I am able to make changes there, nothing under the components/advanced listing works though. I have tried removing and re-installing it several times. I have verified the com_advlisting directory is under components and that the permissions are the same as all of the rest of the components.

    Michael Gilkes

    @sehlbytech. Advanced Folder Listing version 1.0.4 does not work on Joomla 3+. It was specifically designed for Joomla 2.5, and this is stated on teh product page. I am currently updating it and will be releasing version 1.5 within the next 1-2 days. I am just doing the final testing of all the changes now.

    It is not a simple process to convert components for Joomla 2.5 to work on Joomla 3.0. It doesn’t matter how many times you re-install it, it won’t work for Joomla 3+. However, just wait a little for version 1.5. That will work on Joomla 3+.

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