implement the deafult capthca-recaptcha of joomla inside efu

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Support Home Page Forums Joomla Software Easy File Uploader Module implement the deafult capthca-recaptcha of joomla inside efu

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    Hi,thanks for the great plugins!

    I need to implement the captcha module when i want to upload a file by user in frontend to prevent scum, with your fantastic plugin.

    Any hint?

    Where do i put the call of the captcha-recaptcha joomla plugin into your code?

    There is a possibility to do that?

    Thanks again and sorry for my bad english.

    Norman Salierno.

    Michael Gilkes

    @vox45. Joomla has a built-in recaptcha plugin. I have never really tried it with the EFU module.

    I guess if you wanted to write your own code, you could just make a custom copy of the module’s default template file and edit the code to add the captcha.


    yes, i think if i copy the native captcha and insert the control in your EFU plugin.

    But unfortunately, i’m not a programmer.

    Thanks again for the hint i really appreciate,the plugin without captcha control is too much insecure.

    I try to copy the captcha-recaptcha plugin inside EFU but not work obviously.

    Michael Gilkes

    @vox45. Are you talking about the module or the plugin? There are two EFU extensions. One is Easy File Uploader module, and the other is Easy Flash Uploader plugin. Both are EFU.


    now i’m using the module easy file uploader.

    Michael Gilkes

    @vox45. ok. Have you tried to enable the builtin captcha plugin, and set it as the default captcha in your Global Configuration settings for Joomla? I think it is supposed to interject itself into all the forms on your site that require submission, but I am not sure.


    i make a fresh reinstall of your newest version, and now the captcha seems to work!

    and work very good!

    Another one last question, what files i have to edit for changing the language of this form?

    i need to make a custom translation inline of my site.

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