Google preview down ?

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    After working without any problems, the Google preview just stopped without any reason (as far as I know)

    Now there’s only a white page into popup…


    Michael Gilkes

    @agussol. Thanks for posting Nicolas. However, you have to give me more info than that. Do you have a link to the page with the listing that I could see?

    Also, please bear in mind that I cannot be responsible for how Google Docs Viewer behaves. Sometimes, even when I was testing it, especially with IE, I noticed that it would go blank when loading in the iframe, and then after I clicked the “Open in a New Window” icon in the top right hand corner, it would open up in the new window/tab and then after that it would work in the iframe. Weird.

    The fact that it was working perfectly before and you didn’t change anything could mean that it could just be a quirk in Google Docs Viewer. However, I am certainly willing to check it out for you. Either post a link here or send it to me in an email, if you prefer more privacy.


    Sure :

    Tested with :

    FF, down,

    IE, down (with kind of empty image files..,

    under Chrome : WORKS !

    So I guess it’s defenetly not a problem with your plugin, but a google change…

    Thanks !

    Michael Gilkes

    @agussol. Thanks for posting the link.

    I just tested it on the following:

    Firefox 9: Works

    Opera 11: Works

    Safari 5: Works



    IE 9 : down

    FF 9.01 and 10 down

    Under windows 7.

    I’ll test it at my job…

    Thanks !

    Michael Gilkes

    @agussol. Yeah, that is weird. I just tested it on IE9 and Chrome on Windows 7, and it works! I’ll have to install Firefox on Windows to test, but there are my screenshots so far:

    Screenshot 1

    Screenshot 2

    So, I find it strange that yours was working initially, and now it is not working, but all my tests on your site are working. Maybe you can share some screenshots, so we can figure it out.

    At the end of it though, as I mentioned before, I have no control over how Google Docs Viewer works, I can only offer access to the service.


    At my job :

    FF 10 : works

    IE 9: still down

    Safari 5.1.2 : works

    Chrome 17 : works

    I’ve read there was a problem with IE with google tools, I saw there was a workaround, but don’t remember for which version, and where I got that info…

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