Force download not working?

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    Hi, I am using EFLP 1.5 on Joomla 1.7. I linked to some .PDF files which all open fine, but by default open inside the browser. I would like to always get a download prompt (without resorting to right click – save as). I checked my download.php and it already says “force-download” (line 3), and there are no options in the backend. Am I missing something? Thanks.

    Michael Gilkes

    @Angultra. Thanks for posting. it seems that the performance of the download.php file is dependent on one’s server settings, and also sometimes dependent on the browser you are using. By the way, have you tried various browsers? Are they all responding by opening inside the browser itself. Some browsers actually override the download settings in scripts and force open in a browser window.

    Lastly, are you clicking from the download icon?


    Michael, thanks for the quick reply. PDF and images always open in the browser (I tested in IE, Firefox, and Chrome), so I do not think the force download feature is working for me.

    Also, the download icons do not seem to work. It displays the link in the status bar but left clicking it does nothing. I tried reinstalling, turning the icon off and on and it is still the same. What should I check to restore functionality?

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