FIle saved as?

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    Hi great module so far, just what I was looking for, but I am a bit confused on how to save the files? My site members will be uploading image files JPG. I read the Doc and it says image/jpeg so….ummmm?


    Sorry, I;m cluless any help would be awesome. Whay can’t you just upload a jpg?

    Thanks for your time.


    Michael Gilkes

    @gervin. Thanks for your question. Let me see if I can explain. What you specify in the module is the MIME type. This MIME type is an Internet standard that defines or specifies the file format. If you look at a list of mime types, you will see that jpg, jpeg, and jfif all have the same mime type: image/jpeg. The mime type is used to verify that the file being uploaded is truly a jpeg or jpg or jfif file. It is used for security.

    To upload a JPG file, just select it in the file browser when you click browse. It will upload it.

    So, in summary, the mime type image/jpeg refers to .JPG, .JPEG, or .JFIF files. Hope this helps.


    Can you give me an example? Like “yourphoto.jpg”

    I tried to select a JPG and I get a error. This file is not accepted?

    So sorry, I don’t quite get it.?


    I also purchest your easyFLASHuploader, would this work better for me? I just need my members to be able to send me large image fils, jpg?


    Im going to keep this in the same forum thread, so I dont have two post running. hope you don’t mind.

    I have replaced the File Uploader with the easy Flash Uploader (thinking this would be easyer for me and my site members)

    When I try to upload a file, even a small saved for the web file I get the following: File size exceeds limit

    I went in and set the file size to 5,975,068 (KB) and it still says file exceeds limit with a small file upload attempt.

    Got any advice?

    Thank you for your help.


    Ok I got it to upload, but after upload bar was complete I got the following: Error invalid filetype

    It was a jpg file. So what am I doing wrong? Sorry for so many replys, I am excited to get this working… can you tell. thanks.


    To use this plugin as content in an article, first enable the plugin and configure the default parameters in the Plugin Manager. To control which types of users have access to this plugin, set the Access Level in the plugin.

    Secondly, in the article, type ‘{easyflashuploader}’. It will work based on the default parameters if typed with no custom parameters.

    I am confussed? I entered the following into my “{easyflashuploader}” and it uploads, but at end of upload it tells me “invalid filetype”

    My file types are set as follows: *.gif;*.jpg;*.png;*.pdf;

    I have also changed the default upload folder to LargePics a folder I set up. Is this the issue?

    Michael Gilkes

    @gervin. Wow… I didn’t expect this many posts to answer this morning, but it’s fine. I applaud your enthusiasm. Ok. I will definitely try my best to help you and I am confident we can fix this. First of all, you need to give me some information:

    1. Your PHP version
    2. Your Joomla version
    3. upload_max_filesize value in your php.ini/phpinfo
    4. post_max_size value in your php.ini/phpinfo

    Once I get this information, I can more accurately advise you as to what is going on and how to fix it.


    I sent you an email.

    Thanks Michael!

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