Editor automatically adding tags after EFLP upon save.

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    Michael, I’m really appreciating EFLP for j1.6! But, I’m running into an issue that I can’t figure out.

    When I use {easyfolderlistingpro} within an article, everything works perfectly. I get the entire designated directory, just as planned. However, if I want to parse the directory and use only a certain folder and I use:

    {easyfolderlistingpro folder=’images/Document Library/Medical Plan Documents’}

    upon save, Joomla adds additional tags that are visible on the front end. For instance, the latter results in having </p></div></div>’ displayed in the front end view. And in the backend, I see:

    <p>{easyfolderlistingpro folder=’images/Document Library/Medical Plan Documents’}</p></div></div>'</p>

    I’ve tried various maneuvers with the html, but the result just changes the tags that are added. But they’re still added. Have I got the syntax incorrect?

    Any ideas?



    Well. No sooner did I post the above when I tried this:

    {easyfolderlistingpro ‘folder=images/Document Library/Medical Plan Documents’}

    And it works perfectly. I guess I had the first apostrophe placed incorrectly.

    I’m okay.

    As you were.


    Michael Gilkes

    @realtoast. Thanks for posting. Hmmm… that’s interesting, because the correct expression is:

    {easyfolderlistingpro folder=’images/Document Library/Medical Plan Documents’}

    I don’t know why the WYSIWYG editor added that unwanted text. Did you try to toggle or disable the editor?

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