Easy Folder Listing Pro not searching properly

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  • #691

    We have an issue with easy folder listing pro.

    We have uploaded quite a number of documents, and people should be able to search for the relevant document number.


    If you expand the sub folder and do a page content search from the browser, you can see that document number 13-215210201 is present.

    However, if you type this number in easy folder listing pros search box, the documents filter than eventually disappear altogether and the matching one doesn’t even display.

    Please help.

    Michael Gilkes

    @sagaphics. Thanks for posting. I must say that I am quite puzzled at what your site does. The reason why I say this is that I took the time to replicate the exact setup on my servers and my result was totally different. I downloaded every file in your listing from your server, and I setup a listing on my local servers to see the behavior for myself. My results show that everything worked correctly, which was different from what I could test on your server. Please have a look at my screenshots: Screenshot 1 and Screenshot 2

    I tried to look at your eflpTools.min.js file on your server, and it seems that you may have edited it. Did you edit the javascript file? If you have made changes to any of the files in the plugin, please state that when you asking for assistance. Please let me know if you made any changes to anything.


    We have not edited any javascript file – we have used the plugin exactly as it should be. If you could tell me where it has been edited I can have a look.

    Michael Gilkes

    @sagraphics. Thanks for replying. Well, if you say you haven’t edited it, I will take you at your word. However, I had to ask just to make sure, since the behavior I see is not replicated on my servers.

    Did you look at my screenshots? I decided to replicate the same situation on one of my public test servers. I apologize if the use of your files constitute any violation of copyright. However, I will remove them as soon as you request or as soon as we resolve this issue, whichever comes first. Please have a look and let’s see if the behavior is the same as on your server or is different: http://familytree.michaelgilkes.com/certificates-test.html

    On this server, I have installed Easy Folder Listing Pro 2.8.5. From testing, it works as expected, which is different from what I see happening in your installation. This is why I say that it puzzles me that your setup is acting differently, since it is the same code. I will run a few more tests to see if I can figure out what is going on. However, please check the site and verify that the test site works as you expect.


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