Easy Folder Listening Pro with Templates

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  • #3147

    Hello ,
    I love the Plugin but i have a little Problem:

    When i use the default template from the Site the Directory List is very long
    here a picture: Template Helix Ultimate

    Actualy i use for display the Directory List the Protostar Template from joomla 3 and all looks good
    Jomla 3 Protostar Template

    In Joomla 4 I only wont use the HelixUltimate Template so that is was fine if i can become a workaround to display the Diretory list in both templates good.

    I Use this Code : {easyfolderlistingpro profile=”1″ folder=”images/Dokumentation” method=”list” }

    Thanks for your help

    Michael Gilkes

    @Olaf. Thanks for posting.

    As with any template, styles can clash. It’s up to the site developer to adjust the css of either the template or the extension to make things display correctly.

    I have not released a Joomla 4 compatible version of Easy Folder Listing Pro, so I can’t speak to how the extension works with the casopedia template. If you need support regarding how to adjust the css to work with your template, I can help with that as long as your subscription is active, but I would have to see the site to make any suggestions.


    Hello ,

    Thanks for the Info , i will wait for the Joomla 4 release .

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