Component not working

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    I bought advanced folder listing. creation of listing works, all files sync works, all files are published, menu-item is created – but when I click on the menu-item following message is shown: List data missing. Listing cannot be created.

    Don’t know what to try more. Please help!

    Thank you very much in advance


    Michael Gilkes

    @KaterKarlo. Thanks for posting, and thanks for using Advanced Folder Listing component. Based on what you say here, you forgot one important step. You need to add at least one mapped field to the listing. Here are the basic steps:

    1. Create the listing
    2. Add any custom fields (Optional)
    3. Map at least one field to the listing, via the “Mapping” menu
    4. Sync Files
    5. Create a menu item for the Listing

    I think that you didn’t map any fields to the listing. If you need one-on-one assistance, send me an email at support[at]valorapps[dot]com. I may just send you an email just to speed things along.

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