Can't register Valor Apps

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    I’m using your great the free module version. Now, i want to purchase Easy Folder Listing Pro Version, but i cant register on your web site. when i validate the form i’ve this error :

    Fatal error: Call to a member function checkAnswer() on a non-object in /home/micgil2010/ on line 47

    I’ve the same error while sending the contact form.

    Best regards

    Michael Gilkes

    @steve84. Thanks for posting this! I was not aware of a problem. I will investigate it immediately.

    Michael Gilkes

    @steve84. Thanks for notifying me of this. I recently upgraded the site, and it caused a conflict with the ReCaptcha functionality that I was unaware of.

    I just resolved the issue. So, I invite you to please try and log in again.

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