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@TMDesign. Thanks for posting. I am not 100% sure what you are asking, but the location within the parent folder is not limited to one level. You can list it however deep you desire. The real limitation of Easy Folder Listing module is that the listing must be located in the Joomla root. You can actually create your own folder in the Joomla root, and any amount of subfolders. So, if you created a folder called “their_uploads”, then that custom folder will automatically be displayed in the dropdown list for “Parent Folder”, and if you create subfolders, “top_level” > “level_two” > “deep_down”, you can just put “top_level/level_two/deep_down” in the “Location within the Parent Folder” field.
Let me know if this helps.
Remember that Easy Folder Listing module displays a list of files in a folder. It doesn’t display subfolders in the folder, but you can use any amount of listings for other folders/subfolders.
Check out the comparison chart with other listing products.