Home \ forums/reply \ Re: HELP
Michael Gilkes

@Mightec. Yes. You can make the tab length longer. You will have to take a look at the puretabs.css file. Look in the section called Left Tabs. If you change the width of the div.puretabs.left-tabs > ul block, then you have to adjust the padding-left of div.puretabs.left-tabs accordingly. I can’t help you much with editing the code, since I can’t support changes that everyone may make to the code. If you are comfortable with CSS, you should be able to understand the CSS that I have written. If you are not comfortable with CSS, then edit it at your own risk.

However, with regards to what you wanted to do originally, If I could see what you are talking about, maybe I could understand what you are saying and what you want, and attempt to help you. Also, please remember that at the heart o Pure Tabs, and any extension for that matter, is html and css. So, the resulting html is affected by the CSS in your template, and any other CSS file that may be loaded on your page.