Re: Fails to include PHP file correctly on WAMP server

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Support Home Page Forums Joomla Software Easy Flash Uploader Plugin Fails to include PHP file correctly on WAMP server Re: Fails to include PHP file correctly on WAMP server

Michael Gilkes

@paulct. Hmmm… interesting. Well, from what you describe here, it seems as though the slashes (‘/’), or maybe backslashes (”) since it’s on windows, that are inside of JPATH_BASE are being stripped away automatically when it is sent to the helper.php file via the POST variable. I can’t tell you what this is due to. But, maybe it could be some PHP or apache setting of your wamp server.

As you can also look at the code yourself, if you understand PHP, you would notice that the code in the helper.php file doesn’t have any errors on or around line 36. So, unless we can do some debugging on a wamp server that exhibits the error you describe, I really can’t say much. Unfortunately, I don’t have access to a WAMP server.

BTW, what version of PHP are you running?