Support Home Page › Forums › Joomla Software › Easy File Uploader Module › "ERROR: The uploaded file type is not permitted" with Linux and PHP 5.3.28 › Re: “ERROR: The uploaded file type is not permitted” with Linux and PHP 5.3.28

@Remko. Thanks for posting. Actually, there are 4 methods that the module uses for file uploads:
- fileinfo_mime_type
- mim e_content_type
- exec
- shell_exec
You only need 1 of these to get mime detection to work. You already have file info_mime_type active, and that is the preferred method.
The error message for your particular setup reveals where the issue is. The issue for you is that your browser detects the pdf file as a ‘application/download’, which is very different from its actual mime type ‘application/pdf’, which PHP correctly detects. You can fix this is one of two ways:
- Either fix your browser to detect pdf files properly
- Or, add application/download to the list of accepted file mimes
application/download is a very broad mime type. By the way, which browser are you using?