Re: EFUP – Bug Reporting

Home \ forums/reply \ Re: EFUP – Bug Reporting
Michael Gilkes

Hi Carmiaca,

This previous fix for the button not showing is not relevant for your version of EFUP. It relates to versions lower than 0.7. This fix has already been included in your version. You can easily verify this by looking at the page source.

To be honest, I can't help you unless I have more information about your situation. If you prefer not to give any details on this public forum, you are free to email me, as others have done. Like I said in a previous post, the plugin is verified to work on IE8. You may have something specifically occurring on your site. However, if I am unable to understand your problem, I cannot help you. If I can see the web page with the uploader in action, I may be able to guide you to a solution. Please contact me via email with a link to your uploader page. If only registered users can access the uploader, you can create a temporary registered user login for me to test it out. I am more than happy to help you.

PS. I had posted the following in your initial topic post:

@Carmiaca, I just tested it ( on IE8, and it shows perfectly. Could you provide a link to your page so that I can see the result for myself? I may be able to help you in your particular problem.