Re: easy file uploader – cannot upload file

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Support Home Page Forums Joomla Software Easy Folder Listing Module easy file uploader – cannot upload file Re: easy file uploader – cannot upload file

Michael Gilkes

@humaira. Thanks for posting. The errors you see in the module manager reveal your situation exactly. Because you are running on a Windows web server, and both FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE and mime_content_type don’t exist, you won’t be able to detect mime type.

To get the module to work for your setup, you must permit all file types by placing only asterisk (*) in the Permitted file types section. However, this is not really a good idea as anyone with access to the uploader can uploader any file to your server. So, make sure you restrict the access of the uploader to trusted users. If you don’t, your site’s security will be compromised.

If this is just your development server, it doesn’t matter, since once you go to a linux based web server, mime detection should be working properly.

Hope this helps.