Re: Dynamic Folder Loading

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Michael Gilkes

@nforde. Thanks for your input. Easy Folder Listing Pro was never designed or marketed to be a document repository. I don’t know where in the description is gives that impression. I tried my best to state clearly and specifically what the plugin does in its product page.

The truth is that the plugin does not have any specific limitations. There is no specific number of files that I can specify to say it can’t list. This is why I have the FAQ section which explains why it is not recommended to listing thousands of files. I do not think that the product description or FAQ misleads anyone into thinking that you can list thousands of files on a page without any performance penalty. In addition, I do not think that there is anything in the product description or FAQ that suggest that the plugin acts as a document repository. I have had emails from persons asking about listing many files before purchase, and I have guided them accordingly. This question is also specifically addressed on the site. So, I really don’t understand why persons would assume that it works like a repository.

Dynamic loading was never a feature that the plugin had. I also never marketed it to contain this feature. And again, it is not a document repository. If I designed it to be a document repository, then I would have specifically stated this. It is used to list files in a folder and its subfolders. Even in terms of the way the plugin displays files in a webpage, if you didn’t have a plugin to do that, and you had to do it manually, you would never attempt to list thousands of files in that way. It is just not practical, and provides an awful user experience. If I were to develop a document repository, I would design it to be totally different to the way Easy Folder Listing Pro works. I would not make it list the files in a list or table, but rather provide a search interface for find files you are looking for, and show the result as a paginated table, that doesn’t permit listing all the files on a single web page. Once you are trying to display all of that metadata on one page, you will have the timeouts and performance issues that you see, because web technologies were never designed to do that.

Over time, the plugin has evolved to include new features, which were all suggested by its users. I specifically do not include all the requested features because it would change the original purpose of the plugin, and increase its complexity to the point where maintaining it will be difficult.

Currently, the plugin does what it describes in its product description. I hope to release a minor update soon, but that won’t include dynamic loading.