Re: Change the place of disk and zoom icons

Home \ forums/reply \ Re: Change the place of disk and zoom icons
Michael Gilkes

@Mizael. Thanks for posting. Thanks for your gracious comments.

To be honest, it doesn’t really matter that the images are in another column or not. The alignment can be easily adjusted by the css file. Actually, sometimes, the css styles for template will override the styles by the plugin’s stylesheet. Let me give you an idea of what you can do. Go to media/easyfolderlistingpro/css/styles.css and you will find the following:

Just adjust the margins to what suites your needs. You may also want to add some padding adjustments too.

Like I said, it depends of how your Joomla template interacts with this code, but the !important should override it. I you want to, you can post the website link to the page with the listing, and I can look at it and tell you what is going on and make a suggestion, if you are not sure what to do.

Now, if the file name is too long and causing a shift in the alignment, then you can add the icon to a different column by editing the easyfolderlistingpro.php file on line 883. Change it to:

But, this may throw off the colspan for the sub-folders. You may have to increase the $columns variable by 1 just before lines 836 and 1024.

Make these changes at your own risk. I assume you are comfortable with PHP. My suggestion is just a guide line. I haven’t tested these suggested changes. So, you will have to debug it yourself.