Easy Folder Listing Pro 1.6 Internet Explorer issue

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    Michael, my customer, who uses IE7, notified me that EFL Pro is not working properly in IE7. I tested it out and he seems to be right.

    When clicking on a folder row, the row expands and then immediately collapses and he is unable to click a document link. This does not happen with Firefox or Safari. Also, a couple of the rows expand properly and stay open. So, the issue is intermittent, even on the same page.

    I can send you a link.


    Michael Gilkes

    @realtoast. Thanks for the feedback on the plugin’s use in IE7. I think the root of this is the fact that I use jQuery 1.4.4 for interacting with the listing. I haven’t done much full research on it, but a quick google search on jQuery and IE7 will reveal that IE7 has a lot of issues rendering jQuery. Actually, IE7 has quite a number of known bugs that often take away from the Javascript experience.

    For me, I’ve stopped using IE a long time ago. It is a browser that translates to a poor user experience, in my estimation. And most annoying of all, it is known to not be very standards compliant. If persons insist on using IE, they should at least upgrade to IE8, or preferably IE9.

    As for the plugin, I do mention that it is a known issue that table transitions don’t show on IE8. List transitions should show, though. Honestly, I can’t help you with IE7. It really is an outdated browser that isn’t even supported by Microsoft anymore.


    Thank you for your response. I will suggest the upgrade to IE8 or 9.


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